
50 Ways To Annoy Sabaku No Gaara

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Aminellelia's avatar

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1. Get a bucket full of water and throw the water at him. When he gets mad and asks you why you did that, just say you wanted to find out if he wore eyeliner or not.

2. Write "LeeGaa 4ever!!!" all over his gourd. With a permanent marker.

3. Take a sticky note that says "YOUTH!" and stick it on to his back (if he doesn't wear a gourd, of course. If he does, stick it on to his gourd).

4. Buy a sandcest doujinshi, and lay it on his desk. Make sure his siblings find it.

5. Take his Kazekage hat and throw it out the window (make sure it's a blowy day).

6. Fill his gourd with water.

7. Ask him if he used to hump his teddybear.

8. Grab his arm, and tell him he's the cutest uke ever.

9. Similiar to previous #8. Grab his arm, and tell him he's the sexiest seme ever.

10. Ask him why the rings around his eyes hadn't disappeared though he can sleep now.

11. Constantly remind him why he has the kanji on his forehead.

12. Ask him what he actually meant by "I only love myself." *ba-du-bum-pssh*

13. Tell him over and over that he has got pwned by people like Naruto and Deidara.

14. Ask him if Lee stole his eyebrows.

15. Tell him his look; aquamarine eyes and pale skin, reminds you of a ghost.

16. Print out disturbed pictures of GaaTema and KankuGaa (or shall I just say sandcest) and poster them all over the walls in his office.

17. Play with his crimson hair and tell him over and over how soft it is. If he tells you to stop, cry. If he doesn't, start to pull it.

18. Constantly tell him he's almost useless without the sand, and that he should've listened to Kimimaro for that part.

19. Talk loudly to yourself, when Gaara hears you of course. Say that all the Suna siblings look so different compared to each other, they can't possibly be siblings (you don't have to believe this).

20. When he says "What is love?" in any random situation, keep it going by saying: "Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.~"

21. Tell him that if you kissed him, he would probably taste like sand. If he say he wouldn't, tell him to prove it.

22. Remind him of his past. Over and over until he actually cries. Comfort him (you just have to).

23. Say to him that the fangirls in Suna only like him because he's strong.

24. When he works, push all his paperwork off the desk.

25. When he walks, carry a mistelote stuck to a stick and hold it over him. Count how many fangirls that have ran over to him.

26. Remind him that he has been a bloodthirsty heartless killer.

27. Dress exactly like Gaara and run over to Lee and kiss him several times.

28. When you and Gaara are in public, hug him tightly from behind (if he doesn't wear his gourd. Otherwise hug him normally). And give every girl that passes by a deadly glare, and say with a creepy voice: "MINE."

29. Tell Temari that Gaara uses his third eye to watch her undress.

30. Tell him that the Kazekage suit looks like a girly dress on him.

31. Ask him if he builds castles with the sand in his gourd.

32. Tell everyone that Gaara's personal quote is: "OH MY GOURD!"

33. Tell Lee that Gaara thinks his spandex looks cool, and that he wants one too.

34. Throw origami birds at him and scream: "KATSU!"

35. Tell him that he was cooler when he had Shukaku inside him.

36. Let him catch you watching hentai pics of LeeGaa or GaaLee. (You have to be really brave, this can actually cause him to kill you.)

37. Tell him that he does not seem straight.

38. Wave a cacti seed bag in front of him and yell: "I BET YOU WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THESE!"

39. Ask him if the rings around his eyes meant that he used cocaine.

40. Tell him that he for sure drank coffee to keep himself awake before.

41. If he visits Konoha while the winter, be his personal guide. Point at snowmen and other snow creations children have built. Say: "That, Gaara, is a snowman. You hear? S-N-O-W-M-A-N..." (The desert has never had snow, y'know? xDD)

42. Tell him that he had a funny face when Lee pwned him back in the Chuunin Exams.

43. Have a megaphone and scream in Gaara's office when he sits there: "NARUTO AND GAARA SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Then get the hell outta there.

44. Tell him that he looks horrible without the sand armor.

45. Tell him that the part in Naruto when he licked his lips was sexy.

46. Buy a Gaara plushie. Carry it around all the time. Then everytime Gaara looks at you, kiss it.

47. Tell him that he looked so adorable as a child, and that he still does.

48. Say to him that he was such a fool to think that only he was a monster. -.-'

49. Destroy all Kankuro's puppets and blame Gaara for it.

50. Ask him if he wears eye lenses to make his eyes look pretty.
A thing I made. I was bored, k? :iconsighingplz:

Note: Gaara's favourite hobby is cultivating cacti, for those who didn't get #38.

I'm A BILLION TIMES sorry for #7 hehheh :iconpervyitachiplz: My body moved on it's own rofl

Characters (c) Masashi Kishimoto
This thing (c) PirateGirlAmie [me]
© 2012 - 2024 Aminellelia
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Novarose18's avatar
You could also ask him to dance. That would probably annoy him to no end.